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Friday, February 15, 2013

Kristine Davis to "Throw Brassiere In The Ring" for Mayor

Touting her economic experience and knowledge by read books written by "Von Mises, Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek," Ex-Madam and former Gubernatorial candidate, Kristine Davis is ready to take on Quinn and the other candidates in the mayoral race..

Criticizing "liberal Democrats Christine Quinn, Bill de Blasio, Bill Thompson and John Liu" and unconvinced by the Republican mayoral candidates, Davis believes she is the lady NYC has been waiting for.  "The Liberal pandering is obvious and vile. They seek to buy our votes with our own money," she writes in a blog post on Libertarian Lady. "Billionaire John Catsimatidis has announced but made no serious issue proposals. He seems like a nice man and the neighborhood grocer. Former MTA boss Joe Lhota seems like a good manager and has some libertarian views including the legalization of marijuana but he seems to busy fighting with Guy Molinari to mount a serious campaign. Who will save New York from returning to the liberal Democratic leadership that made New York City a crime infested sinkhole only a few decades ago?" she writes. 

"Neither Quinn nor de Blasio has any idea what creates jobs or prosperity. They have no idea how to foster economic opportunity or growth," she says before touting her own economic experience, which is as follows:

"I made a nice living on Wall Street before opening the escort agency that supplied high-end call girls for Attorney general and Governor Eliot Spitzer. I know how the economy works. I’ve read. I understand the barriers to growth and what creates wealth. I think economic growth is paramount. I believe a rising tide lifts all boats. In 2010 I ran for Governor as a protest candidate. I freely admit that an aspect of my campaign was to point out the inequities in our criminal justice system that required me, a woman, to be remanded to Rikers Island for four months while Eliot Spitzer, our Chief Executive Officer, violated both federal money laundering laws and the Mann act, prohibiting the transportation of a prostitute over state line, walked. I also advocated gay marriage equality when its future in New York was still in doubt, the legalization of casino gambling and legalizing prostitution. In addition, I advocated the legalization, regulation, and taxation of marijuana as a new revenue source that could generate billions."

Thus, "I have made no secret about the fact that I will formally announce as a candidate for Mayor of the Libertarian Party ticket. I will be the low tax, jobs, spending cut candidate, while the Democrats propose an orgy of new spending and higher taxes. I want to legalize and tax marijuana not just decriminalize it. I oppose the “racist” stop and frisk policies by the NYPD which are unconstitutional, I want a casino in New York City not just upstate and I want pension reform to end the rip-off by public employee unions of hard working New York taxpayers... I favor deep business tax cuts and will call on Governor Cuomo to cut state income tax rates. I oppose the ban on 16 oz. sodas and will break the law drinking one in my announcement press conference, Davis writes about her plans and vision to gain the trust on NYC voters.

"So look out Christine Quinn. You won’t be the only lady in the race because I am going to throw my brassiere in the ring," Davis concludes.

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